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January 2025
Day Date Event Start time Notes
Wed.  1st New Year - Club CLOSED (Quiz moved one day later)
Thur.  2nd Quiz night 21.10 Note change of day
Fri.  3rd
Sat.  4th 🎵 Mrs. R`s Retro Roadshow 19.30 Disco as it used to be
Sun.  5th
Mon.  6th VIPs 19.30
Tue.  7th
Wed.  8th Wakefield & District TUC 19.00
Quiz night 21.10
Thur.  9th RMT Healey Mills 19.00
Fri. 10th 🌹 Labour party - Wakefield CLP 19.00 (E.C.)
Sat. 11th 🎵 Tony Foster Band 19.30
Sun. 12th Club committee 19.30
Mon. 13th 🎵 Acoustic music group 19.30
Tue. 14th
Wed. 15th 🌹 Labour party - Wakefield South ward 19.00
Quiz night 21.10
Thur. 16th
Fri. 17th
Sat. 18th 🌹 Labour party - Wakefield CLP 10.00 (G.M.C.)
Socialist Historians 13.00
Sun. 19th
Mon. 20th VIPs 19.30
Tue. 21st 🌹 Labour party - Wakefield North ward 19.00
Wed. 22nd Quiz night 21.10
Thur. 23rd With Banners Held High 19.00
Fri. 24th
Sat. 25th 🎵 🎤 Open Mic. night 20.30
Sun. 26th
Mon. 27th 🎵 Acoustic music group 19.30
Tue. 28th
Wed. 29th 🌹 Labour party - Wakefield West ward 19.00
Quiz night 21.10
Thur. 30th 📕 Wakefield Word / Black Horse Poets 19.30
Fri. 31st The Pitmatix Gig has been CANCELLED - sorry.

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February 2025
Day Date Event Start time Notes
Sat.  1st 🌹 Womens` Forum 10.00
🎵 📀 Mrs. R`s Retro Roadshow 19.30 💿 💿 Old-fashioned Disco
Sun.  2nd
Mon.  3rd VIPs 19.30
Tue.  4th
Wed.  5th 🌹 Labour party - Wakefield East ward 19.00
Quiz night 21.10
Thur.  6th 📕 Wakefield Word / Black Horse Poets 19.30
Fri.  7th 🌹 Labour party - Wakefield CLP 19.00
Sat.  8th Private booking - C.Pinnell 13.00
🎵 The Cheats 19.30 (Steve O`s Bus Pass Birthday Bash) All Welcome
Sun.  9th Club committee 19.30
Mon. 10th 🎵 Acoustic music group 19.30
Tue. 11th Club committee 19.00 (Events sub-committee)
Wed. 12th Wakefield & District TUC 19.00
Quiz night 21.10
Thur. 13th RMT Healey Mills 19.00
Fri. 14th
Sat. 15th 🌹 Labour party - Wakefield CLP 10.00
Wakefield Socialist Historians 13.00
🌹 Labour party - Wakefield West ward 19.30 Social evening
Sun. 16th 🎵 "Fake Thackray" 16.00
Mon. 17th VIPs 19.30
Tue. 18th 🌹 Labour party - Wakefield North ward 19.00
Wed. 19th 🌹 Labour party - Wakefield South ward 19.00
Quiz night 21.10
Thur. 20th With Banners Held High 19.00
Fri. 21st Wakefield Rhubarb Festival With Rhubarb themed food/drinks etc. Watch for more detail...
Sat. 22nd Wakefield Rhubarb Festival
🎵 🎤 Open Mic. night 20.30
Sun. 23rd Wakefield Rhubarb Festival
🎵 "Rhubarb Rocks" 19.00
Mon. 24th 🎵 Acoustic music group 19.30
Tue. 25th
Wed. 26th 🌹 Labour party - Wakefield West ward 19.00
Quiz night 21.10
Thur. 27th 📕 Wakefield Word / Black Horse Poets 19.30
Fri. 28th

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Open Mic. Open Mic.

On the last Saturday of each month we have a Ceilidh / open mic night run by the organisers of Wakefield Folk & Music Festival.
Starting time 8.30 pm (-ish).
Admission Free.
All welcome.
Please fetch along your voices & any musical instruments you would like to play and join in (or just listen & enjoy).
The organisers of this event also hold regular informal jam sessions.   These are usually on alternate Monday evenings - dates shown in the diary section.


Quiz Night is a regular and popular feature in the club diary.
It is every Wednesday evening, starting at 9.10pm.
Entry is £1 per person.
Winner gets a fistful of Red Shed beer tokens.


We hope we are now clear of the curse of Covid, but the club committee reserve the right to change events and opening times at short notice if required for protection against coronavirus.

Items highlighted in red have changed since the diary for this month was first published.

Times, where shown, are in the 24 hour clock:  19.00 = 7.00pm.

This page can only be as accurate or as detailed as the information shown in the diary behind the club bar, on which it is based.  If you spot something here that needs adding or changing, or if you would like a bit of publicity for your event in the Shed, let me know about it.  e-mail info *at* the red shed . org . uk
(Note:   delete   all   the   spaces   & replace *at* with @ ... Sorry! Anti-spam measure)

FB The latest updates on events in the club are on our Facebook page www.Facebook.com/theredshedwakefield

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Go to front page This page last updated: 19th January 2025