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Wakefield Labour Club   (Short title)
Wakefield Constituency Labour Party Club   ( full and correct title)
The Red Shed   ( Popular title - sounds good and describes the place)
"The TARDIS"   ( may not look much on the outside but wait 'til you see it inside)


18 Vicarage Street
West Yorkshire


☎ Telephone No. : 01924 215626
No answering machine , so you need to call during club opening hours

📧 E-MAIL   info *at* the red shed . org . uk
Note:   delete   all   the   spaces   & replace *at* with @
(Sorry!  Anti-spam measure)

LOCATION [Click to expand map]

Vicarage Street is on the northeastern edge of Wakefield city centre, just round the corner from the bottom end of the central pedestrian precinct, and close to the Trinity Walk shopping centre.
The street nameboard says "Vicarage Street South", which is because the street was cut in half by the bypass road (the north end of the street no longer exists).

Approximate distances & walking times from here are :
•  Westgate Railway Station - 980 metres (1080 yards) , 12 mins.
•  Kirkgate Railway Station - 750 metres (820 yards) , 10 mins.
•  Bus Station - 450 metres (500 yards) , 8 mins.
(Note: many bus routes call at the row of bus stops on Kirkgate, just round the corner)

To explore the area on OpenStreetMap, click here

On an Ordnance Survey map – our grid reference is SE335210
Or you can locate us at Latitude 53º41`02"N , Longitude 1°29`32"W.
Or if you want to use SatNav, type in the Postcode: WF1 1QX

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The large car park which used to be immediately opposite the club disappeared some years ago under the development of the new shopping centre next to us.   So what`s left now is:

•   A handful of parking spaces outside the club.   These are reserved for specific purposes and vehicles during daytime on weekdays, but available for club users during evenings and at weekends.
•   Very limited on-street parking in the area around the club.
•   There is a car park almost opposite the club in front of the Old Vicarage, which looks tempting... but DO NOT USE IT!   It is private and regularly patrolled.   Unauthorised vehicles have sometimes been wheelclamped.
•   Just beyond this on Zetland Street is the nearest public car park (pay & display). It is rather small.

Having read the above notes, you can understand why we recommend using public transport if possible.
See the  WY Metro  West Yorks. Metro website for information about buses and trains in West Yorkshire.
Bustimes.org is also very good for real time information about buses, although sadly (and through no fault of its own) it struggles to keep up with the number of short-notice changes and cancellations we have experienced recently :-(

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Day Lunchtime Evening
Monday to Friday Closed 19.00 - 23.00
Saturday 12.00 - 23.00
Sunday 15.00 - 23.00

Other times possible by special arrangement and for special events.
Times may vary during holiday periods (watch for notices).
N.B. 24 hour clock; 19.00 = 7pm.

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•  Bar area

•  Meeting room (approx. size 18 ft. × 21 ft., capacity ca. 30)

  These are separated by partitions which can be opened or closed as required , giving the club an adaptable layout.  Also, furniture can be moved around to suit different purposes (e.g. by removing some of the tables, the capacity for people can be increased)

Note: in the past we had two meeting rooms (large and small).   Now there is just the large one.  The small room has been incorporated into the bar area.  This change is due to  (a) Covid-19  and (b) improved accessibility.

•  Kitchen (basic) - to the side of the meeting room

•  Outside - Patio area including barbecue

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The meeting room can be booked for gigs, meetings, etc.
Room Hire is Free of charge for Labour Party meetings.
Prices for other organisations :
£ 10.00 for Trade Unions / voluntary organisations, otherwise £ 12.00
Annual booking for monthly meetings is 12 for the price of 10

For availability of the room:
- You can check the "Diary" page in this site to see if any events already arranged.
- Phone or come in to ask the person in charge of the bar, who can usually tell you quickly if a room is available & make provisional booking.  Enquiries also accepted by e-mail.
- Contact the club secretary.
* N.B. All room bookings must be confirmed by the secretary.

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Our long term project to make the club fully accessible was completed in September 2023.  We have ramped access to the main entrance.   Once inside, everything is on one level except for part of the toilet block and the beer cellar, which is one step down.


The rebuilt toilet block includes level access to a disabled toilet.

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This club is a signatory to the   White Ribbon initiative   and is a safe space for all - regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, religion or any other characteristic.  Debate is encouraged, but threatening behaviour or abusive language will not be tolerated here.

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We are a family-friendly club.  There is no separate family room but members` children are welcome (under parental control) up to 9pm.  This time may be relaxed on special occasions.

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🐶 🐕 DOGS

We have no restrictions on dogs being fetched in to the club, as long as they are well-behaved ... and keep their owners under control  :-)   In particular, you will meet a number of guide dogs on alternate Monday evenings when the VIPs` (Visually Impaired People) group meets here.

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We have a wireless router in the shed, so there is a local hotspot for WiFi here.  This is free for users of the club.
Ask at the bar for the password to log on to this service.

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Smoking, including the use of e-cigarettes, is not allowed inside the club.

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We have a set of shelves with a collection of books on various subjects but the core of the collection is politically themed.   The collection was started with money raised from a Red Shed Players production and has been added to, mainly by donations from members, for which we are grateful.   Books in the collection are available for borrowing by club members.   Nobody is formally in charge as librarian, so we rely on anyone who has borrowed a book to fetch it back!   The library is dedicated to the memory of Pete Elliott (life member and club trustee) who for some years ran a book club in the Shed.

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The club is run on behalf of Wakefield Constituency Labour Party by its committee, elected jointly from the CLP and the club`s membership.

President Matty Hallas
Vice President Steve Oxley
Secretary Linda Bratley
Treasurer Andy Gornall
Committee members
(elected by club membership)
Sam Eldridge,  Alan Dale,  Geoff McGarroch.
Committee members
(nominated by Labour Party)
Kevin Swift,  Paul Holmes,  Steve Wiltshire,  Nicole Hallas,  Olivia Rowley,  Lawrence Shepherd,  Ed Wainwright
Committee members
Paul Jowett

The Rule book is available for download here.   A paper copy is available for inspection in the club.

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Not a member already?   To avoid the hassle of being asked to sign the visitors book just to get a pint, you could join us.

Membership is open to anyone aged over 18 years and of good character.  Membership of the Labour Party and/or a Trade Union is encouraged but not essential.  Members may not use the club for any purpose that conflicts with the interests of the Labour Party.

Annual Subscription (January - December) is £4.00 Waged or £2.00 Unwaged.
New applications must be supported by two existing members (this is very seldom a problem).

Click here for a membership application form, or here for a renewal form (if already a member).   You can print this, fill it in and fetch it in to the club, or pick one up at the bar, but we are not doing online applications & payment.  To join us, you have to come to the shed!

Note on membership records:

We try to keep our records accurate and up to date as far as possible, and only keep personal information needed so that we can stay in touch with members; We will comply with all data protection regulations.
For more detail, see the Club`s GDPR Policy and Privacy Notice.
For more general information on the Data Protection Regulations, check here.

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This website was first published in 2002.  It is edited by Steve Wiltshire and hosted by GreenNet - the Internet Service Provider dedicated to promoting peace, human rights, environment and social justice through the use of information and communications technology.
The site had a facelift early in 2022, but the layout is very similar to how it has been for many years.  We aim to keep it simple here.  The purpose is to give information about the club and the activities that take place here.  We do not sell anything or have any chatrooms or discussion forums.
This site does not use cookies.


No liability accepted for errors & omissions - but we will try to make the site as accurate and up to date as reasonably practicable.

Spotted anything that needs changing or adding?   e-mail me on: info *at* the red shed . org . uk
(Note:   delete   all   the   spaces   & replace *at* with @ ... Sorry!  Anti-spam measure)
Please include "Website" in the subject line of the e-mail to make it less likely I will miss it.

Please mention the website if you have come into the club after finding out about us on this site.

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Go to front page This page last updated: 15th June 2024